After a few fun hours on snowy trails on Saturday what better than going to a snow shoe race on Sunday. Barrington IL was holding the Frozen Zucchini Snow Shoe 5k race and I had some friends entered. What better than cheering on Cathie, Tom and Kim.
I've seen people snow shoeing before but never racing. This race was a sell out with 160 people and a kids race. Erehwon Outfitters had a small supply of rental shoes. They also supplied some great items in the racers goody bag. The goody bag was enough for me wishing I had signed up. The T shirt was a great long sleeve cotton with the clever race logo on the front. In the bag was a pair of merino wool socks, a water bottle, pair of winter gloves, some good healthy snack items, a small novelty compass (which actually appears to work), some hand lotion and other assorted times. I believe the sign up cost was only $25. The goody bag was worth that alone. The race also had some good post race snacks, coffee and hot chocolate then an award party at a near by bar with pizza and beer.
The 5k course was two loops of a city park which from the start line area appeared to have a few hills and likely an extension of the hills we passed on the drive in. The racers lined up almost cross country run style and where off. Snow was flying every where and the lead guys were flying right from the start. We watched them shoe around a baseball field pass the soccer fields then out into some park fields along the snow covered grass trails that from the course map are part of the park system. It didn't take the leaders long to get back to the start/finish at 1.55 miles and head out on their second loop. I was surprised how fast some folks were moving. I missed the winner returning to finish the race as I had crossed the soccer fields to get some photos across the park. Got back in time to see Kim finish her race and still smiling. Kim did great and was close to the top of her age group. Cathie and Tom raced together and they put the fun in fun by enjoying their race and not worrying about the time, more trail time for their money I say.
Everyone at this race was so friendly from the race staff, the announcer, the volunteers, the timing crew, the cheering fans and the big Frozen Zucchini. After the race most folks headed into downtown Barrington for pizza and beer at a cool bar.
Kudos to the race organizers for a race well put on. I think next year they can hopefully increase the numbers allowed. I think I'll be there.
Kim before the start
Cathie and Tom finishing