Two days before the last class I had ran the Rock Cut HOBO 50k. Thought I'd have an issue doing this last class but in fact it stretched out the tad achy sore legs and I felt great. In the six weeks I learned so much and did so much, what an adventure of discovery. I have a lot still to learn and likely messed up some poses even after six weeks but Claudine is an awesome yoga teacher and with helper Karen guided us and reset us.
I intend to redo the fundamentals calls again as I am not quite ready for a regular level one class and again I'd recommend yoga to all runners
Photo above taken at the last class ("borrowed" from Living Yoga Facebook page)
I'm always tempted to add yoga, but so far funds and time have conspired against me. Sounds like a great way to start.
I would love to take a class like that! I think the teacher's input would be so helpful!
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