Monday, February 23, 2009

20k Trail Race for a good cause

A 20k at Lapham Peak, Delafield WI, near Milwaukee. There is a 20k and a 5k both on the trails around Lapham. The 20k includes parts of the famous Ice Age Trail. See web for more info.
As my title says the race is for a good cause. I didn't know Nancy who was tragically killed in summer of 2008 by a drunk driver. I do know a lot of people who's life were touched by Nancy.
Be there April 26th

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Road run in trail shoes

I woke this morning to 1/2 inch of snow on the ground. Not much really but I had planned a 4 mile road run today as Laura and I had errands to do. Before the run I get the newspaper from the end of the driveway (our paper delivery is always plastic wrapped which we recycle) and the driveway is covered in ice. The walkways have snow. The roadway is just wet but that's for cars. The sides of the roads were a mix of wet, snow and ice. What to do................... any trail runner I put on the trail shoes instead of road shoes and head out on my 4 mile road loop. Wasn't a great run but was good to be out there. Winters kill running for me and I refuse to join a health club and run on a dread mill.

Think Sunday and Monday I'll hit one of the many nearby Du Page Forest Preserves for a limestone trail run. Knoch Knolls will be too muddy.